Saturday, August 30, 2008

Information to Policy and Law: Copyright Constiutional Clause

Article 8: Section 8: Clause 8

Wow! I have to say, this is really out of it. I had to summarize this clause, and I think I got it down to a science. The class is really hard, but I will have fun. I"m so energized, but I think I have a stuffy nose now. Its causing me in comfort. I plan on calling my aunt to discuss. But I had to write a summary paragraph.

Here it is:

The following small discussion is about the progress of science and arts and their protection under the constitution in such limited and broad bases. This discussion is article 8, section 8, and clause 8 states as such; “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Rights to their respective writings and discoveries”. The sciences refers to the inventors and their discoveries, while the arts could refer to the writings of the discovers within the arts themselves.
The problem being is that clause 8 which states “to promote the progress of science and useful arts” dose not clarify what type of science and what type of art it is referring to. The article seems to be specific with stating “authors and inventors”, but its not clear in the clause. Nor does the clause discuss copyright law of property in detail; however, the arts after all are all inclusive when it does state “the progress of science and arts”. The meaning could be the fine arts, or any kind of artistic expression
Article 8, section 8, clause 8 states as such: to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited Time to Authors and Inventors the Exclusive Rights to their respective writings and discoveries”. In sum, the article is unclear who or what the article is referring to. The clause that states, “authors”, “inventors”, “writings”, and “discoveries” is vague enough that the article would cover anyone in the science and creative field; but for legal discourse it’s not clear enough to cover anyone exclusively.

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