Tuesday, October 14, 2008

50 minute Presentation on MetaData and My class In Copy Right Law

I guess it's about time I update people on the progress of my classes, and the reason why i haven't posted in a while. I'm an author, and I'm a student at the University of South Florida in now Media Specialist K-12 or I'll just get an MLS degree.

I dropped the Law Class, but I was learning a lot. I couldn't understand the readings, and the language in the reading was so dense with language I couldn't understand that I didn't want to mess up any more assignments. I messed up one, not because of my language but when I tried to explain what I got out of the assignment, it did not make any sense to the professor. So I dropped.

In my Organization of Knowledge Class So far I have a .94666666

I'm working on Library of Congress Subject Headings now. It's a tough subject. I just finished AARC2, and Access Points, Meta Data, and Authority Codes, and All the fields for cataloging. I got a 6 on one, and a 5.2 on the other. I"m waiting for the last grade which I know I did not pass with a 5.

I did my group presentation on the weekend, and I had to slow down my speech cause I noticed the time on the clock. I didn't want us to go under. It was a 50 minute presentation on Meta, and I did the Pro and Cons. It was a good speech I thought. I also got elected to press the button for power point. I don't know why either, it's easy to operate. But I'm short, so I didn't have a shadow.

I'm working on my next research paper, I'm 1350 pages into it. I have 5 sources. 2 from the books in class, and 3 scholarly journals from Wilson. It's for a 1600 word paper, and so now I'm just adding my problem two sections with more comments and examples with sample quotations from citation. Things I can't find, i delete. I used examples from our recent class as decisions on the topic. It's on the problems with the conflicting usages of MARCXML, MARC21, and MARC and with now the use of Dublin Core. I'm presenting it as a conflicting of search results from the consumers, with the librarians as well.

I'm using 2 books and 3 scholarly journals as supporting and conflicting evidence for against MARC. And now I'm looking for 3 scholarly journals for supporting and conflicting evidence against Dublin Core.

If you ever want a copy of my work, don't feel shy. I'm on http://stores.lulu.com/asag82


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